

波士顿, MA 02116
(617) 580-3443

IL装饰 in 波士顿’s historic Back Bay offers a truly unique experience in shopping for 现代 European furnishings. 被认为是豪华家具精品店, 我们的陈列室并不拥挤, 让您品尝我们设计师的惊人作品. We do this by searching the world for designs that make sense for real life. 只有品质最高的欧洲家具, 照明, 我们的展厅里也有配件. We take pride in providing our consumers with a selection of 现代 and contemporary furnishings that are tailored to their needs.  为客户提供居家室内设计服务, an interior designer will visit your home and see all your needs first hand. The fee of the service is $250 but can be used towards any purchase in the future. Our interior designer will then design a custom floor plan that meets all of your criteria, 用最适合你生活和空间的家具.  在IL daca,我们希望为您提供您应得的服务. Our furniture will not only make your life beautiful with the style you want, 这些家具易于维护,而且预算合理.  

We work with over 70 manufacturers from North America to countries all over Europe. IL dastoror网站将这些家具带到你的指尖. 设计师如卡利格瑞斯, γArredamenti, 意大利展出, Presotto, rosseto, 意大利萨巴,Tomasella, Euroform和其他许多公司都只需要点击一下. 超过12个,000项供您选择, 我们的网站致力于向您展示精美, 先进的家具会让你的家眼花缭乱. 在所有可用的选择中, many designers such as γArredamenti have customizable designs as well. Made in Italy, Gamma is known for their incredibly comfortable leather furnishings and accessories. 我们鼓励你成为艺术家, create a one of a kind sectional or sofa your family and friends will enjoy. Choose the color and grade of leather, browse through choices in arms and built in shelving. Features for Gamma include but are not limited to adjustable headrests and armrests; even the feet of your sofa can be customized. 这只是与我们一起在IL dassacor工作的设计师的一个例子. 让每一件家具都成为独一无二的创作,只为你而设计. Step into our showroom and let us help you decide what products and 配置 are the best for your space. 我们可以给你提供样品, 目录, 配置, swatches how to get the look you have always wanted at a price that works for you.

在另一端, 如果时间有限, many of our manufacturers that are located in Europe also have stock in the USA. Delivery is speedy, taking on average around 2 to 3 weeks to deliver to your front door. 在北卡罗来纳州有个仓库, Italian designer Calligaris carries versatile sophisticated furnishings to complete every room in your home. Within their Quickship program different finishes and 配置 are available as well. 意大利生活用品制造商罗赛托(rosseto)也是如此. 设计优雅的卧室家具到衣柜, 电视单元到餐厅家具,包括自助餐和古玩, 几周内都能买到吗.   匆忙设计办公室或家庭办公室? 看看丹麦设计师Jesper Office就知道了. 他们的总部设在新泽西州.S warehouse has specialized in designing modular office furniture since 1935. A complementary line of modular library and home entertainment furniture are available to order as well. We understand that life doesn’t always leave you with too much time for planning. 我们在这里为您提供尽可能多的选择来帮助您.

在欧洲家具市场有超过十年的经验, we have been able to form relationships with designers in Europe that are exclusive to us in the 波士顿 area.  These strong partnerships have given us some wonderful opportunities to be able to offer consumers unique designs unavailable anywhere else in New England.  IL装饰为您带来优雅, 现代, yet practical pieces from the imagination of famous European designers and craftsmen. 与此同时,我们仍然致力于保持我们的价格竞争力.

Our showroom is filled with only the finest of imported luxury 现代 furniture available in New England. We are proud of our collection; each piece is individually selected by our team of design specialists. We work hard to learn about every product in our showroom and on our website so that we may help you choose the perfect piece for your home more wisely. Every room of your home matters to us, we will help you complete each space. Our collection at IL装饰 will give you the living room you have always wanted, 一个独特的高端餐厅,你和你的家人会喜欢, 还有睡姿优美的卧室. 访问 us today and let us inspire you with furniture that has the personality of the creator who designed it.

访问 IL装饰 了解更多.




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